How to create the perfect brow!

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My lovely HD brow client
Absolute brow crazy....

So many of you are aware, if you have read my previous blog post that i am an absolute brow fanatic! When i first went on my brow training with HD brows, my brows were horrendous, we have all been there haven't we! but i am hoping with my many blog posts to come about brows and make up we can all create that perfect look.

Simply 'fill' them in 
My lovely client in the first picture had the most perfect brows to start with, she just didn't know it. She came to me with brows that had been ' drawn on ' with dark brown powder,also not really having a shape to them BUT and a big BUT with a tint and a wax and a few hd brow magic touches, 45 minutes later she had the most gorgeous natural brow, yes girls that is all her own hair and completely natural, the power of one HD brow session with myself. 

 I would never as a brow stylist use the term i need to 'draw' my brows on, you do not want to draw them on you simply just need to fill them in, with the perfect set of brushes and the correct make up it can completely change your face also all of your features. I use lots of different brushes which range from HD brow brushes to MAC cosmetic, Benefit cosmetics and Anastasia beverly hills. I think we all have our favourites but its good to give every brand ago and then find your fav one. My personal all time fav brow brush is 'Fine angled brow brush ' by Hd brows only £13 amazing huh?? i honestly believe that this brush is the answer to all your brow needs.

Soft and natural 
I am constantly being asked what brow make up do you use because your brows are flawless, my answer is, i complete the hd brow 8 steps on myself every 5 weeks, this is how i get the perfect shape, colour match and over all finish to my brows. My brow make up ranges from HD brows, eye&brow palette and Anastasia dip brow, two completely different products but the way you softly fill in the brow using a fine angled brush is key. There is many products but these two just happen to be a couple of my most treasured.

So now i have explained a little more, i will just talk you through how to start that perfect brow.Not everyone is going to have the same brows, its all about creating that shape that fits your pretty face :) always start from the middle, take that 'fav' brush of yours and simply start stroking the make up softly in. Create the line under the brow and softly blend the make up in, remember less is more beauties. The front should almost be left till last so you can create an ombre look through the brow, no-one wants a block brow, girls no!! once you have started to see a shape coming continue to stroke the make up in, if you like an arch then you create that arch, its all about what you prefer.My gorgeous clients also like an arch as its what is in fashion at the moment.I LOVE AN ARCH!!! personally i love the full brow look everyday, misses glam queen never leaves her house with out her make up on.

No make up needed!!!
I have to admit now guys I'm HD brow crazy, the brand itself is just amazing, but i do try new exciting products by different brands. If you think you would love to give HD brows ago... just send me an email.. i will look forward to hearing from you. Once you have had a treatment you will never look back! who would have thought that brows would be so important to us now a days.

Remember Email- or message me via Instagram 

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speak soon Beth x

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